The effectiveness of management, a new level of performance management, is emerging before us. 管理有效性反映的是评价单元生产绩效或经济绩效的相对改变程度。
How to Use Mental Health Education to Improve Teaching Effectiveness in The Level of Computer 如何借助心理健康教育提高中职计算机教学效果
Although political momentum towards aid effectiveness is increasing at global level, some very real aid management challenges remain at country level. 尽管从全球来看各国正推出各种政策推动援助有效地发挥作用,但是各国仍面临一些援助管理难题。
The effectiveness ( or level of security) for encryption is measured in terms of how long the key is-the longer the key, the harder it would take for someone without the correct "decoder" to break the code. 加密的有效性(或安全级别)是根据密钥的长度来区分的,密钥越长,限免越难。
Abstract: to evaluate the power equipment of armored vehicles effectively, this paper raises the evaluation indexes of its tactical and technical effectiveness level, and gives the integrated evaluation of the power equipment of the Russia typical armored vehicles by using weighted means method. 文摘:为了对装甲车辆的动力装置进行有效地评价,该文系统的介绍了反映其战术一技术效能水平的评价指标,应用加权平均的评价方法对俄军典型装甲车辆的动力装置进行了综合评估。
Measures The responsiveness of incentive system reliability to the probability changes of effectiveness on incentive level was measured by the sensitivity of incentive system reliability. 激励系统可靠性灵敏度是测量激励系统可靠性对激励层次有效概率变化的反应程度。
The practice of operation shows that the effectiveness of material level control by using said combined control system to be comparatively safe and reliable. 运行实践表明,噪音功率联合控制系统料位控制效果较好,基本避免了堵磨现象的发生。
Finally, the effectiveness indexes of the process level were evaluated with evaluation model of the combat effectiveness. 最后用效能评估模型对过程层效能指标进行综合评估。
The impact of externalization on perceived KM effectiveness at individual level is not found to be significant. 外化维度在个人层面上对知识创造的效果影响不显著;
The perceived KM effectiveness at individual level is found to enhance the perceived KM effectiveness at group level. 个人层面上感知有效性会明显促进团队层面上感知有效性的提高。
To discuss the effectiveness of absolutely elevated insulin level on atherosclerosis, insulin ( 20 μ/ kg weight, day) was given to normal rats for 12 weeks. 为探讨绝对增高的胰岛素(insulin,INS)水平对动脉壁的影响,本实验给正常大鼠每日皮下注射INS(20u/kg体重)12周。
It is comprised of the effectiveness and maintenance level of assessment. 该考核指标体系由航标效能和航标维护水平两个方面的考核组成。
Simulation results demonstrate its effectiveness in the boiler water level sensor fault diagnosis system. 在对锅炉给水控制系统汽包水位传感器的故障仿真中证实了该方法的有效性。
The algorithm uses a cross-entropy-based sensor effectiveness matrix and threat level for realizing optimum sensor management in multi-sensor multi-target tracking applications. 该算法通过基于互熵的传感器效能矩阵,引入目标威胁等级产生多传感器的最优管理策略。
The combat effectiveness indexes of tactical activity level were calculated through calculation model, the effectiveness indexes of tactical activity level were successively polymerized into the effectiveness indexes of the process level. 并用计算模型算出活动层效能指标,再用聚合模型把活动层效能指标逐层聚合成过程层效能指标。
The incentive theory of environmental pollution regulations is a whole set of mechanisms and approaches relevant to environmental property rights and for the purpose of settling the asymmetric information prevalent in the regulations by realizing environmental effectiveness principle on the efficient level of pollution. 环境污染规制中的激励理论是基于环境产权的、为解决规制中普遍存在的信息不对称,而在有效率的污染水平上实现环境效率原则的一整套机制和方法。
The effectiveness of modeling and confidence level of simulation are increased by using of parametric and automatic software on gun dynamic simulation. 由于火炮动力学仿真实现了参数化、自动化,从而提高了建模效率以及仿真结果的可信度。
It shows that the European soothing classical image guide college students pay attention to train and improve the effectiveness of the level, at the same time also reflects will be applied to the practical difficulties in life. 这表明了欧洲舒缓古典乐意象引导训练提高大学生注意水平的有效性,同时也反映出将其运用于实际生活中的困难。
Therefore, the important indicator to measure the effectiveness of teaching and the level of teaching art is that the geography teachers in junior school are able to find and use creative teaching strategies. 所以,衡量初中地理教师们的地理课堂教学有效性以及教学艺术水平的重要标志是初中地理教师们能够创造性的发现和运用教学策略。
Nowadays every national government has been paying highly attention to education owing to its functions. The implementation of the education functions depend on the school effectiveness level. 时至今日,教育因其功能受到各国政府的高度重视,而教育功能的实现取决于学校的效能水平。
Most local legislations are enacted in the form of law, which improves effectiveness and level of local legislation and gives nature reserves higher legal status. Section ⅵ: The legislative practice and reference on the aquatic wildlife protection. 地方立法多数以法的形式颁布,提高了地方立法的效力和层次,赋予了自然保护区较高的法律地位。第六,水生野生动物保护立法实践和借鉴。
It is the evaluation of a national and regional educational reform and development effectiveness and the level of an important criterion, but also to guide the Government in formulating education policy, one of the main principles. 它是评价一个国家和地区教育改革与发展成效和水平的一个重要标准,也是指导政府制定教育政策的主要原则之一。
Government management of national political, economic and social affairs, subject to the effectiveness of the level of performance of civil servants. 政府管理国家政治、经济和社会事务的有效性都受制于公务员的绩效水平。
The turnover intention of the armed police junior officers was directly related to combat effectiveness level of the front-line soldiers of the CAPF, and it is the premise of completing all of the tasks successfully that remained the stable of the armed police junior officers. 武警基层警官的离职倾向直接关系到武警部队一线官兵的战斗力水平,而保持武警基层警官队伍的稳定是武警部队顺利完成各项任务的前提保证。
( e) There were significant correlations between organizational effectiveness on organizational level and organizational, colleague, system honesty of enterprise honesty values. 第五,企业诚信价值观的组织诚信、同事诚信和制度诚信三个因素与组织层面组织效能之间存在显著的相关。
To establish a long-term positive interaction between governments and NGOs is the only way to maximize the effectiveness and improve the level of environmental governance. 政府和环保民间组织之间只有建立长期的良性互动关系才能最大限度地发挥二者的效能,提高环境治理的水平。
The ownership changing of the equity has its own effectiveness level, therefore, in different levels, the third party interests realization ways of protection is also different. 其次,由此股权变动有其自身的效力层次,因此,在不同的层次,第三人利益保护的实现途径也不同。
In the past, the empirical researches of contextual performance remained almost on the individual level, and this study has probed into the relationship between contextual performance and team effectiveness at the level of groups, which is quite innovative. ( 3) Scales innovation. 以往对周边绩效的实证研究大多停留在个体层面,本研究从团队层面对周边绩效与团队效能的关系进行探讨,这样的研究视角具有创新性。(3)量表。
The effectiveness of mathematical communication is the extent of effectiveness ( or the level of effectiveness). 数学交流的有效性是指数学交流的有效性程度(或有效性水平)。
However, in modern society, the consumption of residence is not limited to the function and effectiveness on the material level, but focuses more on the symbolic meaning it offers. 但在现代社会中,对于住宅的消费已经不仅仅局限于其物质层面的功能和效用,而是更多的注重住宅所表征的符号意义。